Personal brand

with purpose

Personal brand what it does at high level

I know that you are at one of these points in your journey:

1️⃣ You already have a sense of what your purpose is, the work you are meant to do in the world and the message you are here to share… but you feel nervous to start making yourself seen and sharing your voice.

👉 Right now, you intuitively know that you are being prepared to make the jump and show up online, but you need the foundations to start and to make a success of it.

2️⃣ You have already started out on the path of your purpose, and are in a building, learning and refining phase - of discovering your message, who you’re meant for, and how to make the most impact whilst making an income.

👉You desire to grow an audience, and increase your resonance, impact and momentum - whilst getting paid.

3️⃣ You are already living your purpose and have clients that pay you - but you can feel there is so much more expansion and abundance available to you, but it’s just out of reach.

👉You want to go to the next level by investing in your personal brand and nurturing a magnetic online presence that unlocks new opportunities.

The power of personal brand is that you get to expand, and your purpose expands with you.

Currently, you might be missing clarity, the right positioning, a deep ownership of who you are, the skills to sell, content frameworks or the necessary mindset to get you to that next level.

Wherever you are, you are seeking a bridge into an uplevel, an activation, and an unlocking of your potential - and that of your purpose.

This is where my unique Personal Brand methodology comes in.

Personal Brand with Purpose guides you to:

  • Unlock deep clarity on your audience, so that you can speak directly to them and the transformation they are seeking.

  • Define your core messaging, so that your audience feels you can meet them where they are, help them get unstuck, and be trusted to guide them.

  • Design an authentic visual identity that makes you memorable, builds credibility and emotional connection.

  • Get to know and own who you are at the deepest level, so that you can show up in your authentic power and have real confidence in your value, gifts, knowledge and experience.

  • Claim your seat at the table and show up as an authority in your space.

  • Become honeypot-attractive to more aligned followers entering your community and becoming clients.

  • Unlock the value of storytelling to create trust and resonance with your audience.

  • Build the crucial skill of authentic selling so you can make an income without feeling sleazy.

  • Install new programming to uplevel your mindset, identity and energy to align with your vision (this is the honey that brings everything else together & unlocks massive impact).



Ellen Danielle is a former 6 figure fashion brand founder who built an online community of 20,000 women. Now she is a purpose-led content creator, with a background in sales and mentorship from one of the UK’s most influential personal brands.

Her deep interest in guiding people to own who they are, claim their potential and make their purpose their life’s work is what led her to become an expert in personal branding.

She has been on her own journey over the last 10 years of defining her purpose, finding her voice and message, showing up online and shining her light no matter who is watching.

You have a distinctive sense that you are meant for more. And you’re right.

You are on the brink of creating something hugely impactful, purpose-fuelled and deeply expansive.


  • The course is delivered on Notion. It’s fully interactive and editable, which works perfectly for the written exercises and journal prompts.

    All you’ll need to do to access the course is create a free Notion account. You’ll be guided on how to do this once you join the course.

  • The course is entirely self-paced, so it’s up to you. There are 12 modules. I recommend spending an hour a day if you are seeking fast progress, or a few hours a week to have a more relaxed pace with extra time to integrate what you are learning.

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  • Yes, please reach out to me via the Contact page or send me a dm on Instagram @imellendanielle. I will send you a unique discount code to apply.